What is going on, exactly?

A foggy thought being generated ©GettyImages

What is this blog? That’s a fair question, and to be honest I’m not exactly sure either, but I felt the urge to write something down for a while and so this is an outlet for that, I guess.

Why is it called foggy thoughts? Well in the (very brief) search for a name for this site it came to me that lately everything has started to lose definition, in my mind the thoughts have started to lose the well defined boundaries they once had. One could say they became fuzzy, or even, foggy.

Why is that? I don’t know, I’ve been trying to figure that out for some time now. These past two years and all the strange things they brought with them sure have something to do with it.

So, let’s cut to the chase, what will this site be about? Well, of course it’s going to be about… me. What else could it be about? That said, I’ll try to make it interesting for you as well. I’m going to write about the things that interest me in the moment, which could span from the menace of a new European war to tutorials on programming, passing trhough the review of a book I just read. If this project stays just an outlet for my mental health that will be fine. If it becomes something that others enjoy, that’ll be even better. I know, I know, me, me, me, it seems like I’m the only thing I’m capable of talking about. Well, shut up.